Friday, December 15, 2006

dec 15

- If you want to buy a corn or pellet stove, I may be able to hook you up...

- I don't know if anyone got the A.A.Milne joke, 'cause no one leaves comments. Or maybe you got the joke, but didn't think it was funny. That's likely too; I have a strange sense of humor.

- Apocalypto is getting good reviews. Take that, Barbara Walters.

- CNN showed footage of this terrorist rap/recruitment video thing. Seriously, that was bizzare.


Anonymous said...

Sorry. I didn't get it. . . "Now We Are Sick" didn't make sense to me either. . . . Sorry.

michael said...

That was the joke. A.A. Milne wrote "Now We Are Six." It's not exactly funny, but it was supposed to be a wink and a nod, if you get my meaning. If you catch my drift.