Tuesday, February 06, 2007

the next day

- Saw a video about Daniel Boone today. I read a book about him 10 years ago that was far more interesting.

- 240 consecutive push-ups last night. If it seems like I'm shamelessly boasting, I'm not. There's a little shame.

- I think my coat smells like smoke. You sure you don't want to buy a corn stove?

- I have that presentation tonight. I don't do well in front of people. This is why having a superpower would be so cool. You're up front, everyone's looking at you, and you go blank... bam! adamantium claws come out, and everyone's suddenly like "wow, I wish I could be like that guy." Yeah, gotta get me some adamantium...

- You know what would really make for a bad day? Getting gored by a bull.

- I should learn to play cricket. Not actually play it, mind you, but at least know how, so when someone tells me how many wickets they took at the latest shindig, I can make a coherent and knowledgeable reply. 'Cause people in my town are always coming up and talking about wickets, and I just feel ignorant.

- I've taken my sister's advice and have set my mind on memorizing "The Hardware Store." Be prepared to be impressed.

1 comment:

Varda said...

lol! If you had claws coming out your knuckles, you wouldn't be in school in the first place, and if you were, you'd have to keep it secret that you had claws. ;P lol