Monday, March 05, 2007

spring break

- No school this week. So I get to do other not-so-fun stuff. Heroes is on tonight, though, so woot.

- The bobcat is still here. I think I'm going to name him... Melvin. If you look at him long enough, it's like he's speaking to you.

- It's incredibly cold in here. My fingers are freezing. By the way, depictions of "uncle sam" are creepy. He looks like Mr. Hyde.

- A new documentary debunking global warming is coming out. Let's watch the oscars pour in.

- So there's this video of these two teenagers telling their little cousins how to smoke pot and laughing as they inhale the smoke and all that. Disturbing, sure. But it's the grandma's commentary after they got arrested that's really the gravy. She's like the crazy aunt who's opposed but finally resigned to her nephew marrying a foreigner.

"I didn't raise them like that, and they know I didn't raise them like that. Shouldn't been smoking in front of the kids. (sigh)Next thing you know, they'll be robbing gas stations with nonsense aliases like Hip-hog Soggy-dog and Clementine Duvall. Is this tea herbalistic? 'cause mmmm-mmmm! That's good. Real good.*sigh* Stupid kids. I'm as like to ring their necks at the arraignment. Shoo, Mr. Whisklers! Dratted cat...."

- what's that? heh heh... melvin... such a cynic, but he's soooo funny.

- If anyone knows of a school where they teach cell phone apptitude, let me know. I have these cousins, see, and they could use the help....

- Is the movie "300" a commentary on the Bush administration?!! or could it possibly just be a stylized version of the historical battle of Thermopylae!???!? Journalists! We need journalists! Oh, truth, whither are thou? They delve where none dare nor care, until they realize we are too weak-willed to stand against their accusations that We Ought To Care... and thereby make us. I, for one, totally think Bush is the Persian guy, because there's no way he has abs like the Spartan. The Spartan with those abs doesn't even have abs like that.


David said...

lucky you! on spring break. I wish I were too.

Phil Lowe said...

Elaborate on '300' being a commentary on the Bush administration. I really want to see the movie...haven't heard that slant yet.

VanSneak said...

Hip-hog Soggy-Dog...did you make that up or is that a direct quote because ROFL.

On the other hand the whole situation is a sad commentary on our the state of our nation.

What's that Melvin? GET OUT OF MY HEAD BOBCAT SKIN!!


michael said...

pdlowe - I don't know a whole lot, but the link was on Drudge yesterday. Apparently, some reporters who saw the advance screening asked the director if the persian king (who is trying to take Sparta after his father failed) is supposed to be Bush. He said no.

mwvk - Alas, I did make it up. If she had said that, I probably would have devoted the whole post to her. =D

Brook Trout Designs said...

Sparta is a graphic novel by Frank Miller...the guy who also did Sin City. The man is a comic/storytelling genius.

Brook Trout Designs said...


I meant 300..not Sparta.