Monday, August 06, 2007

because no one else will

- No one is blogging. What's up with that?

- Busy, busy week. Bible conference. Joe's graduation. Dave and his honey are coming over. Work. And so forth. And yet I blog. While the rest of you don't. That's just SAD. So again, for my second blog in a row, I say thee SHAME!

- I still like Romney. I look at the other guys, and don't like very many of them. I don't really know if the Mormon thing is that big a deal.

- I've been thinking a lot about how Christians approach things. If I were to tell an unsaved person that it is sin for them to swear, it implies that I am saying they could do right by not swearing, when even the plowing of the wicked is sin (I think it's plowing, it might be something else; either way, the Bible is saying that they are incapable of doing right). So everything they do is sin. Whether they swear or not, they aren't making any progress. Biblically speaking, the only times it is implied that Hell will be more severe for some over others is in terms of the level of denial of Christ/opportunity to repent.

Now, I'm all for preaching against individual sins in church and also with people who believe they are saved but show no outward evidence. What I wonder about is telling the lost that they need to stop drinking, etc. You know what? If they get saved, they'll stop drinking. That's a Biblical fact. What good does it do them to stop drinking and not get saved? Nothing. Just some thoughts.


Varda said...

I've been thinking about that last part, too. . . . I've decided just to ask people not to swear because it bothers me, rather than telling them, "That's going to send you to hell." Then I start to wonder if that's just a reason I'm making up to avoid confrontation. . . .

michael said...

I don't think telling people swearing will send them to Hell is a good idea, so (imo) you're making the right choice. Neither of us ever swore much if at all, and we were going to Hell too. People are condemned whether they swear, drink, etc or not. (you'd also be hard pressed to Biblically prove someone saying particular words is sin, besides taking the Lord's name in vain)

I disagree with the manner a lot of Christians seem to go about things. Someone at work was telling me recently that they once worked with a Christian who would repeat "Jesus loves you" as a mantra, even whilst people got madder and madder at them. It angers me that there are people who do that. Jesus was friends with publicans, harlots, and more. Does anyone really think He spent all day listing their sins or saying self-righteous things (despite His full authority to do so?).

On a side note, I think saying "that will send you to Hell" is rarely a good thing to say. It makes people mad, and comes off as self-righteous. It's something Jesus never said when talking to the woman at the well. That's not to say there isn't a place for it, but I don't think it's the wise thing to say in many situations at all. (Preaching is one, for example.)

David said...

good stuff.

Yeah, I know I haven't blogged....idk, just haven't been able to push myself to do it. Hopefully when school actually starts.

Anonymous said...

Any time we can retard sinful acts and speech, we should try.

Cursing and profanity are just one characteristic of wicked people (Rom 3:14; Psalms 10:7). Words that are vain or proud or boastful, etc. are sinful.

Saying, "that will send you to hell" is rarely a true thing to say. It is not any particular sin we commit; it is the sin we are born with that sends us to hell (the sin we received from Adam).

Enjoyed the blog.

michael said...

Depends on what you think retardation is, I suppose. No where is responsibility given to the church to deal with sin anywhere outside of the church. In fact, the opposite is taught in 1 Corinthians 5: 12,13 (I believe).

If you mean try and stop abortions, murders, etc., then yeah, I agree with you. If you mean try and stop people from cussing, I think you're wrong.

Lost people are sinning by taking a walk down the street. They sin by eating. They sin by performing "good" acts. We know this because of verses in Proverbs that say even the plowing of the wicked is sin. They cannot eat food with the proper attitude toward God, and are therefore condemned by it. They cannot exist with the proper view of God, and are therefore condemned, and they are condemned before it all due to unbelief.

Because of this, it is no more righteous or unrighteous for a lost person to eat a cheeseburger than to drink whiskey, and therefore on a certain level, for me to preach against one but not the other is hypocrisy. When we preach against sin to the lost, it is ONLY for purposes of displaying their guilt before God. If they are aware of that guilt, then for me to say "Don't drink" is to imply that they are better off in some sense in God's eyes if they stop drinking.

Do you mind if I ask who you are? Don't feel obligated to tell me; I'm just curious.