Monday, September 10, 2007

- Mick Jagger and Stephen King: Same person or just both really ugly?

- Not a whole lot to talk about. I still have a goatee. I should probably call stephanie. I haven't heard much from her lately.

- Labor day was a bust. No one came over. If Mike wasn't bigger than me I'd knuckle burn his head.

- I woke up at 6:20 am and couldn't get back to sleep. That's going to kill me this week. I have to work from 11pm to 7am tomorrow, then go to some dentist/quack who wants to cut my wisdom teeth out with one of those obsidian knives that the aztecs used. Then go back to work at 11pm again. I'm not going to sleep much in the next few days.

- "I like to eat rice. Rice is really good when you're hungry and want 2000 of something." - Mitch Hedberg

- We went bowling again on Saturday. My third game was horrible and now my thumb's all swollen. I blamed the game on the thumb and maintained a slight amount of dignity.

- I haven't talked to Matt in awhile either. I hear he's doing really well though.

- Itunes isn't working so I can't watch the new episode of Psych. That bugs me.

- "It would be horrible to be killed by an arrow. They would never solve the crime. 'Hey look! A dead guy.... Let's go that way.' " - Mitch Hedberg

1 comment:

VanSneak said...

I'm thinking about putting a poll on my blog titled, "AM I CRAZY?" and then I'll write a few things that I've done lately and people can vote! I'm gonna make the News!