Wednesday, October 17, 2007

feeling anxious

- Have a couple papers due today. Not too much, already have most of them done, so I'm taking a break to blog.

- Tuesday hasn't txt'd me all day. Not sure what's up with that.

- There are some weird parents out there. I hear about and see other people's parents and realize how amazing mine are.

- Ashlie's wedding is on Saturday. I hope to see all of you there... Yes, even you.

- Heroes is back. I think the Nathan storyline has the most promise this time around.

- My manager at work watches Psych, too. He's like the only person I know outside of my immediate family that watches it. That makes him awesome. Sorry, i don't make the rules.

- The Patriots are killing everybody. (No, not Ben franklin and Patrick Henry. Sheesh. I mean the football team. Though, I don't think anyone doubts that Franklin and Henry would be a pretty unstoppable duo. Someone should make a buddy-cop show, where they both wake up after 200 years of being cryogenically frozen, and they become maverick-like lawmen who take on the gangs of los angeles. Better yet, I'll do it. "Liberty or Death: Back to Freedom" - Trademark of the Michael Schmidt Production Studio.) I'm glad. The whole "they cheated!" thing was way overblown. Now they're just killing everybody, and i think it's funny. Still like the Colts, and I hope they win, but i think the Pats are going to take it.

- Ok, going back to work on school stuff.

1 comment:

Phil Lowe said...

That's your next writing project. I'd watch it.
Phsych is great, my whole family wathces.
Also you should look into sending a script to ol' Georgy boy..looks like the Star Wars live action series is crankin' up and he's looking for writers.