Monday, November 12, 2007

stuff to say

- I miss writing. I never have any time, and when I do have a few moments, I usually sleep or just lay around. I used to feel productive when I was writing. Now I don't feel very productive. I'd like to get back into it. Work tires me out, and school is a pain.

- Facebook is kind of fun.

- Really nice day out there. It's cool not to have to use the heater in the car.

- I have no idea what's going on with my brother. Joe came over last night, and apparently mom, jenn, and joe all think I'm being too hard in my... appraisal of the situation. They said I was cynical and pessimistic. We'll see. We'll see who's pessimistic when the world is overrun by zombies. We'll see!

- Manning threw 6 interceptions yesterday. Wow.

- So if you get a chance to listen to the Larry King/Jerry Seinfeld interview, you should. It's funny. Is it possible that King didn't know who Seinfeld was? I think so.

- Joe is moving, which is sad.

- Anyone else see the video of McCain and his mom being interviewed when she just starts bashing Mormons or something? And McCain has an embarrassed smile, and says something like "the views of this candidate's mother are not necessarily his." That's funny stuff.

- I miss Psych.

- One time, I hit a deer, and the thing went end over end into the air like the Meep's cover-stone on Quest For Glory 1: So You Want To Be A Hero. Just sharing.

- Speaking of hermits, I really should read or watch Henry V again. I feel like I'm losing my grasp on culture. It's one of the facets of my Renaissance personality. That and my goatee.

- I'm really hungry. I left the house without eating this morning. Why, you ask? Cause I wasn't hungry at the time.

1 comment:

David said...

Facebook can be fun....but then it can be a waste of time too. I dueled some Sith the other day. . .I beat him but it took FOREVER.