Thursday, November 06, 2008

Change I Can Believe In

- Hey there, everybody! Can you feel it? I can! CHANGE is in the air! Ah, it's like a Febreeze in a can. Why I haven't been this giddy since George Lucas decided to make Liam Neeson talk to a Gungan.

So this is what happens when we put our trust in men. At least that's what I think. McCain would keep us afloat, Obama would cause more destruction than Chinese tanks at an Arts and Craft show; right.. How foolish we are. As a man turns a dish, so are these things in the hands of God.

Honestly, I haven't felt this relieved in months. Is everything going to come crashing down? Possibly. Is Obama going to make leagues and pacts with every Israel-hating nation out there? Probably. Is it for any reason other than God is making it happen? Of course not. i don't know about anyone else (well, I think I do, but go with the thought) but I was trusting in a man I didn't even like very much to save our country, and when he lost - and I mean LOST - it was a huge relief. Trusting in men can be stressful.

- WotLK is coming out in a week. And I've been dragged back. Just because it's really cool: I've run Karazhan 3 times; two times we killed Prince, and the last time we did it in about an hour. That's just cool. I skipped over the months of grueling pracice and got the loots.

- I miss Katie! She's in florida and I have no one to play cards with.

- I met Tuesday's father (her biological father) a few days ago. He looks like Tom Hanks. Like, a lot.

- Another good thing about the complete trouncing the Republicans got? We finally, after 6 years, get to go on the offensive! Ever since Bush dismantled the Democrats at the first midterm election, they've been gunning for us. Now the conservatives can strike back. Of course, we might not have a country in 4 years, but see my first point for that.

- Government is ready to flourish. Under the Democrats' control, we may very well see the institutionalizing of a dozens of Big Brother type agencies. President Obama - He Hears Everything!

(Get it? Hears everything? heh heh. Heheheheheh. Snerk... Sorry)

- Can the Lions do it? The "it" is up to you. At this point I'd settle for find the team bus.


Varda said...

"Hears everything" - hehe. You're funny.

lol Well, I'm glad you're in such a good mood. :) I miss you.

Joe said...

love the team bus comment, i laughed out loud. im blogging again.