Wednesday, November 29, 2006

michael richards

I had to give this guy more time. It keeps getting better. has an article titled "Jewish by Association" about Richards' claim that he's Jewish (in defense of some of his anti-semitic remarks way back in April), when he's really not by any definition. Does this warrant instant access into the Maurice Clarret Club of the Crazies?

So, anyway, Richards goes on to meet with the "Why-Aren't-They-Defrocked, Because, Seriously, This Is Getting Ridiculous" two-man team of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, and apologizes repeatedly, and somehow George Bush ends up being the bad guy. Because he hates black people.

Is there a more idiotic, yet accepted practice, than to go on a racist's radio show to apologize for being a racist?

- I had about four days where I was allowed to sleep in for Thanksgiving break, and now it is really, really hard to adjust back to opening here at work. I could go face down at any moment.

- The dollar continues to plunge. I keep wondering if I should start worrying or, you know, doing something.

- Tracy Morgan got arrested for another DUI. Why do we care? Exactly.

- Ben Wallace needs his headband! He needs it, people. Us regular folks wouldn't understand.

- Sports stars are a bunch of babies.

- This is the best season of Survivor, yet. There are some really smart, likeable, under-dogs who are suddenly winning. It's great.

- I know, I know, reality tv is trashy.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

nov 28th

- The dollar is weakening, global warming is going to kill us all, and I have a 15 page paper due tomorrow that I haven't done any work on. And now I ended a sentence with a preposition. Can it get any worse?

- I think all the tv shows are taking fall breaks now. Is this a new thing, or have they always done this and I just haven't noticed?

- I like non sequitors.

- It's 8:39 and I'm still at work because there are certin people who just won't get home, so I'm writing this.
- Now they're leaving.

- Still leaving.

- Huh.

- Now they're talking.

- And getting ready to leave.

- There we go.

- Come on.

- "Goodnight!"

- And I am out of here!

Monday, November 27, 2006

nov 27th

- You know what's insane about the Michael Richards controversy? It's that he's not a racist! True story.

- OJ Simpson's deal got squashed. Look for his next endeavour as he and Mike Tyson co-star in the upcoming film "Innocent: Or not."

- Is there a "teen starlet" who is not absolutely digsuting? I don't think so.

- Michael Vick flipped off his home crowd after they lost yet again. How much longer before the talking heads get to the point where most of us have been for awhile now: overrated, overpaid, over-merchandised?

- I have so many papers to due within the next 7 days. It's cutting into my writing time.

- You know why you don't have any polymascotfoamalate? It's because you're a communist fool, red.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


- Thanksgiving. Rather uncommercialized, as Holidays go, save for maybe the grocery stores and turkey farmers. I didn't even watch football this year. I played some (my team won 56 to 28 - take that, Ragans ;P).

- I bought a cellphone, finally. It remains remarkably under-used at the present.

- Heroes' big episode was actually exciting. I don't know why, and I didn't like how they ended it, but it's been awhile since I've found a television show exciting like that. Lost isn't exciting, it's just weird (imo).

- I have to get to church. If you see a bear holding a shark, it might have stolen my baby.

"Now you're the one with a fork stuck in your eye!" - Blue Laser

Monday, November 20, 2006

more about writing

So I'm in trouble. It's not exactly writer's block, since the words are coming. It's just that the words are bad. The writing is bad. I'm pretty certain it's just a phase, but it's one of the most depressing things that happens to me. I'm getting nowhere in my play, and I've lost the drive to keep my "episodes" going.

My problem is drama. I can write flippant stuff, cynicsm, sarcasm, banter, but I can't write drama. I can't write tragedy so that it comes off as something gripping, something touching. It drags, and I inevitably leave the screen with a feeling of "what is this mess?" Ugh.

I can't figure out if I'm depressed because my writing is lousy, or if my writing is lousy since I'm depressed.

- Ohio State beat Michigan by 3 points.

- Happy Feet got more money than the new Bond flick.

- Prison Break keeps killing off characters. This is a good thing.

- The dad on Heroes is my favorite character. I hope he survives the night.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

november 15th

- I'm actually excited about this new Bond film. From what I hear, it's going to kind of rewrite the Bond history, but that's fine. The "Bond world" was never the drawing point. I've heard only good things about Craig's portrayal. I like the guy; I don't remember him being in much besides Tomb Raider, but he was good there. It looks like a darker version of the Bond series, much like the most recent Batman. Darker is good.

- Doesn't it seem like Hugh Jackman is in every other movie being released this year?

- Which leads to "Happy Feet." If it were any animal but penguins, I don't think I'd care. But it's PENGUINS. I am really looking forward to seeing that movie. Tap-dancing penguins are awesome. Yes, I know, it's yet another talking animals film. But it's dancing PENGUINS. See what I mean?

- Michigan vs Ohio State this saturday. Exciting stuff! ... ... Like I care about college football. I'm thinking I should try harder to care, though, considering my recent outburst about dancing penguins.

- College football. Huzzah!

- Gary Jules' "Mad World" is the music to the commercial for "Gears of War." Apparently, the song was first used in "Donnie Darko," which I hear I should see. I read the basic plot on Wikipedia (is there a more fantastic website?), and it sounds intriguing. Anyway, the song is sweet.

- OJ Simpson has (I believe) a book coming out titled something along the lines of "If I Did It, Here's How It Happened." Translation: Nyah, nyah, ny-nyah, nyah. He's thumbing his nose at the rest of the country. I can only hope those idiots on the jury are awaken by many a bout of heart-burn and irritated ulcers. And someone in the government dispatches an operative to cap Simpson.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I really don't want to go to some of my classes today. There is going to be an inproportionate amount of gloating from the crazies on the left and probably from the teachers too. Still, I'm not too disappointed in the overall outcome.

- Stephen Colbert on the New York Post headline "Good Noose" about Saddam's verdict: "I personally would have gone with 'Aww, SNAP!'"

- Michigan: Devos lost, which is too bad, because Granholm isn't doing anything for the state. However, the big proposals went the conservative way; most importantly, the ban on affirmative action past. That will take some of the wind out of the bags that attend CMU.

- Republicans lost the House and the Senate is still being decided. Ouch. McCain had it right, though. You can't spend as much as they spent and still call yourselves fiscal conservatives. Hopefully they learn from this, and start being true conservatives again.

- Studio 60 is getting harder and harder to watch. Still has good writing, but as much as anti-right-wing (double hyphen? that can't be right..) propaganda doesn't bother me, Sorkin's continual bashing of people who go to church is getting repetitive and heavy-handed. It's too bad, because there was a decent thing going on there. NBC says that it hasn't been axed yet and is still profitable enough keep it. If it makes it to a second season, Sorkin' going to have to find something else to focus on.

- Patriots lost to the Colts. I was pleased. Still waiting for Simmons to write his article about it.

- Just came from one class. This day could turn out better than I expected. Apparently, the affirmative action ban is crushing the spirits of liberals all around. I'm actually gleeful. As I said before, I didn't care so much if Republicans won, but that Dems lost. The Dems won, largely, but things like this make my day. I was having a hard time not giggling earlier when they were lamenting the ban.

- Still, South Dakota failed to pass it's heavy abortion ban, and Santorum was defeated. I liked him; he's like the poster boy for everything the teachers at CMU hate. The professor was giddy about his defeat. I hope he runs again in two years.

- This is fantastic!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

November is here

- Mr. Eko was apparently killed last night on LOST. If he is gone for good, then the people over at the LOST camp are idiots. It was interesting that the first time the smoke appeared (last season), Eko held it off. Something to do with his spiritual state, perhaps? He better not be gone for good.

- In other LOST news, what's with the new people? The show would benefit from less characters, not more characters who follow an over-used formula.

- Rasheed Wallace got tossed for complaining to the refs, under the new NBA rule that allows refs to give technicals for players whining to them. I'm thoroughly thrilled.

- There was a bag of candy put at the desk at work, in case trick-or-treaters came by, but none did. I showed very little self-restraint with that candy.

- John Kerry made my day. Drudge had a great picture up this morning with soldiers in Iraq holding up a banner that said "HALP US JON CARRY - WE R STUCK('k' was backwards) HEAR N IRAK." I don't particularly care if the Republicans win this November; I just really want the Democrats to lose.