Wednesday, November 29, 2006

michael richards

I had to give this guy more time. It keeps getting better. has an article titled "Jewish by Association" about Richards' claim that he's Jewish (in defense of some of his anti-semitic remarks way back in April), when he's really not by any definition. Does this warrant instant access into the Maurice Clarret Club of the Crazies?

So, anyway, Richards goes on to meet with the "Why-Aren't-They-Defrocked, Because, Seriously, This Is Getting Ridiculous" two-man team of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, and apologizes repeatedly, and somehow George Bush ends up being the bad guy. Because he hates black people.

Is there a more idiotic, yet accepted practice, than to go on a racist's radio show to apologize for being a racist?

- I had about four days where I was allowed to sleep in for Thanksgiving break, and now it is really, really hard to adjust back to opening here at work. I could go face down at any moment.

- The dollar continues to plunge. I keep wondering if I should start worrying or, you know, doing something.

- Tracy Morgan got arrested for another DUI. Why do we care? Exactly.

- Ben Wallace needs his headband! He needs it, people. Us regular folks wouldn't understand.

- Sports stars are a bunch of babies.

- This is the best season of Survivor, yet. There are some really smart, likeable, under-dogs who are suddenly winning. It's great.

- I know, I know, reality tv is trashy.

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