Monday, November 27, 2006

nov 27th

- You know what's insane about the Michael Richards controversy? It's that he's not a racist! True story.

- OJ Simpson's deal got squashed. Look for his next endeavour as he and Mike Tyson co-star in the upcoming film "Innocent: Or not."

- Is there a "teen starlet" who is not absolutely digsuting? I don't think so.

- Michael Vick flipped off his home crowd after they lost yet again. How much longer before the talking heads get to the point where most of us have been for awhile now: overrated, overpaid, over-merchandised?

- I have so many papers to due within the next 7 days. It's cutting into my writing time.

- You know why you don't have any polymascotfoamalate? It's because you're a communist fool, red.

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