Tuesday, March 06, 2007

april 23rd!?

- Yeah, so my favorite show is off for 7 weeks. That leaves me with The Office. Life isn't fair, especially considering the lame, LAME cop-out on Prison Break. Bleah. I wanted Kellerman to shoot someone.

- Simmons is only writing about college basketball. It's disappointing, because I love reading his stuff, but I can't get interested. I need to find a new writer. Whedon is off, Sorkin is off, Simmons is out for awhile. Scott Adams is easily my current go-to guy, and that doesn't work too well, since it's a comic strip.

- I have to take someone to the airport tonight at 4am. I'll probably perish in the attempt, so this may be my last will and testament. Mike and Emily don't get anything, because it's their fault.

- Larry King was on the Colbert Report recently. I'm not joking, he said "I'm a great interviewer because I don't say the word I."

- That's all today, folks. If I'm still corporeally around, I'll write something tomorrow. If I'm not corporeal, I'll probably be haunting you.


David said...

what show is going off? Studio 60? The only show I know that you guys watch is heros, and you can't be that distraught over that.

Phil Lowe said...

Why the long breaks with Heroes?
And what the heck does "the episode that will lead you to final chapters." mean?!?! I can't believe they'll cancle that show now, it's goin' too strong.

michael said...

I think it's the "final chapters" of this "issue," since they're operating like it's a comic book/novel with chapters and stuff. So the season finale, not the show finale. I've heard a few characters (cheerleader and HRG) have already signed on for a second season.

michael said...

Yes, dave, it's Heroes. I love that show.

Phil Lowe said...

Kinda figures something like that. I don't know why they just don't say...'leading up to the season finale'...or something.

David said...

what happened to:

"Heroes is a big hit, but I can't stand the show. The problem is that they are focusing on so many different groups of people that nothing ever happens to anyone.

For a lot of people, the story and setting is enough. Heroes excels at [it], with very little in the latter [dialogue/character interaction]"

Granted, I had to go back to Oct to get the quote, but I didn't know the show was getting better. Or are you changing your standards?

michael s. said...

Yes, you had to go back to october to get that. The first few episodes dragged.