Monday, April 02, 2007

Stallone vs. Tarvar

- I saw Rocky Balboa yesterday, and I thought it was pretty good. The fight was the only part I didn't really like. There's no way Tarvar could have taken as many punches of Rocky's force if he were really the cream puff they were making him out to be. Not that Rocky would have hit him as many times as he did, but if he got that many hits, Tarvar would have went down, imo. Anyway, it was kind of cute, kind of funny, decent enough.

- Stallone is making Rambo 4. Because the cry of the American public was too great for him to ignore. Thank you, Mr. Stallone, for making our dreams come true. By the way, the opening song in Rock Balboa was sung by Frank Stallone. I have a feeling that their relationship has to be weird. Sylvester got the zany name, Frank was called... well, Frank. Sly is a big movie star, Frank guested on Walker Texas Ranger; Sly makes a movie, Frank does commentary on VH1's "remember the 80s". And we're supposed to just assume there's no resentment there? I don't think so. Personally, I think if I were Frank, I'd blame my parents for the name. Sylvester had an advantage from the get go.

- I have this paper I have to write. I have six hours at work this afternoon/evening, so hopefully I can get a lot of it done then. I really need to work on my procrastination problem sometime...

- Looks like I'm not going to Florida. Which I guess works out, since work is kind of crazy, and school is getting busy, and i don't really have much money. But it would have been nice to go.

- My cousin and two of his buddies from flight school came over to the house yesterday after church. They sat at the table quizzing each other on these inane questions for some test they have to take. Looked wholly joyless. So we ordered pizza.

- Charlie Sheen is, in my opinion, the best potential candidate to take William Shatner's mantle. He's full of himself, he's already parodied himself in Hot Shots. He's got the mock intensity-thing going. I have high hopes that in the next five years he'll release an album. Think about it.

- I didn't do any good pranks for April 1st, but I still have the rest of the week. I wanted to call Ben and have him call people from the police station and say I was dead or something, but Joe said he probably wasn't allowed to do that. Plus, those things could conceivably go wrong (i.e., some one hears the news and decides to throw a party; because that wouldn't be cool; for me, anyway; the rest of you would get to go to a party, which is kind of cool, I guess) (I use a lot of semi-colons; it's because I don't like the finger position it takes to capitalize, which is necessary if I were to break things into separate sentences).

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