Thursday, April 05, 2007

- Learned all about Custer in today's rousing lecture, especially how he became mythologized, and what really happened, etc. Apparently, Buffalo Bill had a huge part in making the legend. Cody was an interesting guy. Of course, we got to see a clip of "They Died With Their Boots On" starring Errol Flynn. I'm a fan of Flynn. Too bad he killed that one guy that one time.

Anyway, so Custer was a hero, but really a villain, but really an insane maniac out to kill Dustin Hoffman in Vietnam. I think they all got it wrong, actually. They should have called him Custard, because mmmmmm, boy. Who doesn't like custard? The terrorists, that's who. Support Custard, support our troops.

- I left my wallet at work. So hopefully I won't get pulled over tonight on the way home from school. I'm really tired right now. I don't have to work this weekend, however, so that means I can... stay up all night playing computer games...

- Work is going well, I guess. It's like there's a constant foreboding of trouble around that place. The minute something starts to go right, the ptb (powers that be, i.e., my bosses) decide we need to change something. I'm not kidding. If there's no drama, complaints, or problems of any kind, they will still decide to change something. It's impossible for them to not. Makes the whole thing a bit more stressful than a Regional Fitness Czar position should be.

- What say we take out all the flashbacks in Lost, change the location to Miami, and have Hurley and Sawyer learn a new life principle each week while experiencing all sorts of of adventurous hi-jinks, like alligator wrestling. Tell me that wouldn't be a better show. (Editor's note: Various forms of this joke regarding various TV shows have been used before; the author is not attempting to be original. Also, the concluding sentence is probably a registered trademark of the Sport's Guy.)

- Prison Break has a habit off killing off the only good characters. First the mob guy, and now Kellerman. I'm glad it's over for awhile. Too much ludicrous stuff going on over there. Of course, I say that while eagerly anticipating the return of a show where people fly and turn invisible.

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