- is a day without... ... I don't know; income, I guess.
- I've been lazy, but I'm admitting it, so it's okay.
- Jerry Falwell died. I don't know enough about the man, honestly, to give an opinion, and my opinions don't really mean anything anyway. Like a lot of these "famous" theologians, they tend to get worked up over things for publicity's sake, and it hurts them and their cause. Like with Monty Python's "Life of Brian" and the ensuing uproar. I've never seen the movie, but the "theologians" who attacked it hadn't seen it either, and they ended up looking like complete idiots. A similar thing happened with Harry Potter. A similar thing happened with teletubbies. It's like with Pennsicola CC. They focus on inane stuff that doesn't matter and their testimony is ruined.
It is more and more common for Christians to condemn things out of ignorance or out of a sense of self-righteousness. I've heard of a preacher who said DvDs were bad. That makes no sense at all. So we condemn Harry Potter, and we condemn this and that. Meanwhile, our parents don't know how to raise their kids, our deacons are trying to muscle out the pastors, and we live like the world except for on Sundays. Maybe the problem isn't Harry Potter, or Life of Brian, or even Mel Gibson's The Passion.
Certainly, calling sin what it is is required not only of pastors but all Christians, and Falwell's stance on homosexuality and other issues was the proper Christian stance. At the same time, going on Crossfire to debate it is more about publicity than the issue. Maybe I'm wrong. I hope he wasn't another Pat Robertson. I'll talk about Robertson some other day.
- The Force isn't real. Sorry. In the same vein, neither are Firaga or Quartr or X-Zone. It drives me crazy when people talk about the Fantasy world as witchcraft. This isn't voodoo, this isn't demonic consultation ofa Biblical perspective; it's fantasy, like superheroes are fantasy. It's no more sorcery than Babe, the talking pig or Charlotte's Web. For some reason, Sci-Fi gets a pass, while normal Fantasy gets barraged with claims of occultism. Drives me nuts. Ah, I yearn for people to be logical. (<- extremely arrogant statement, I know. I really am a jerk.)
- They should make a movie out of Final Fantasy Tactics. Zalbag would be a great part. The only downside is the main character is kind of a loser. But they could fix that.
- Going to try to have a poker game this Friday night. Give me a call if you're interested in coming. You all have my cell number.
- I'm listening to the Temptations' Sounds of Silence, atm. Charlie Daniels is the one on the guitar, and he pwns it.
- Ooh, ooh, now it's the Pirates' theme. Speaking of which, Pirates 3: Curse of the Dolley's Llama is out soon.
- How come more people don't use Duel of the Fates in their PvP videos? Or, you know, their weddings. Listen to it enough times, and you'll be able to speak Latin. Also, parts of it are straight out of the Ewok village level on Super Return of the Jedi. Wicket is awesome. Name someone else who could kill a chicken walker with his stick bow and arrows while simultaneously jumping on more of his arrows that are stuck in a tree. Go ahead, try. You can't, can you? See? Wicket is the best.
- The Cheat is not dead. Support the Municipality!
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good soundtrack u got there.
Oh yeah, poker Friday, i forgot. I will be there.
I believe I was the one who said Tactics should be a movie. It is a good game, and the way movies are going right now the main char would fit right in, as being kind pointless in the end.
I said it earlier in the day, and then you said it, and I thought you were mocking me. I guess you didn't hear me though.
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