Wednesday, May 09, 2007

may 9th

- Heroes was kind of slow, but it was a setup episode, so that's to be expected. And it had some good parts, unlike Book 10 of The Wheel Of Time series. I'm still bitter about that.

- Alabamba Labamba was at a rally where he said that "over 10,000" people had died in the recent Tornado catastrophe, when really it was 12 people. Well... he still has clean, eh Biden?

- For some reason, Steph is not coming back to Michigan this summer. Nay, I say thee Steph. Come home. I'll buy you a penguin.

- The Scorpion King was on at work, and it was the first time I've seen it. Wow, was that movie horrible! The Rock still thought he was in in the WWE. Yeah, Arnold was Conan, and it was campy, but this was so much worse; Duane's facial expressions were just laughable. The conclusion was lame, and boring. The guy from the Green Mile was much cooler than the protagonist, and the bad guy dual-wielded flaming swords. But everything else was sad, as in "it's sad that they made a movie like this."

- That's all I have to say on the matter.

1 comment:

Phil Lowe said...

Heroes was a bit slow, but at least Lost was good...Really Really Good.