Wednesday, October 24, 2007

i really don't like people

- So this... donkey-beast of a girl at work (who has a crush on me) is bad-mouthing Tuesday when she's not around because she knows we (Tuesday and I) hang out together. It really bugs me. If she does it when I'm around, I might push her into the fry vat... not really, that'd be gross. Fried donkey-beast.

- I came to school early to write some papers. Bleah.

- I'm not going to get any sleep from yesterday at 6pm to tomorrow at 6:30 am. 36 hours; that's really not that bad. Work tonight might be ugly, but I can handle 36 hours.

- Someone told me the only advice they have concerning girls is not to settle. If things were to work out between me and Tuesday, I wouldn't be settling. She's smart, she's funny, I think she's adorably cute; she's like me, in other words. Anyway, she told me she's been thinking about baptism, so hopefully she'll say something to pastor tonight. I'm trying to not push her toward things (to see what kind of drive she has without prodding) while at the same time helping her as a new Christian. It's kind of hard to see where the line needs to be drawn. But I've been seeing changes, things that make me happy to see.

- Apparently I thought "Liberty or Death" was funnier than everyone else. Oh well; I'm still thinking it's funny.

- A new poll reports that 50% of Americans now say that they would never, ever vote for Hillary Clinton. Half the country, before the election year, has already decided they will never vote for you, regardless of anything that happens. That's amazing.

- Colbert might be getting into trouble for his mock-campaign. If he does, I'll rant against stuff. Colbert is awesome. He may be the most awesome liberal ever. I'd vote for him in South Carolina.

- "The Assassination Of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Crawford" seems like it's going to be why too depressing. First of all, Brad Pitt almost always makes his characters extremely likable (maybe not in Troy). And the movie clearly is going to establish him as the hero. The problem is, unlike other movies where you know the good guy is going to die, there are no backup characters in this. There is good and bad, James and Crawford, and bad/Crawford is going to win. We know this; it's history. I could be wrong, but it seems depressing to know Casey Affleck is going to kill Brad Pitt.

- I'm starting to get tired. I'd slap myself in the face, but there are people around and it'd be weird.

- Okay, so I'm gonna go now.


Varda said...

Who's the donkey-beast?

Varda said...

Oh and I liked Brad Pitt in Troy. . .