Monday, October 22, 2007

no connection

- I haven't had internet for about a week, so that's why there hasn't been any communication from me. I use the school's computer every once in awhile, or my dad's (which still has connection), but I don't really miss it (internet) that much.

- Been busy at work. I can't wait to be done with school; it will make work days easier.

- The wedding was nice. Mike and Joe gave me a ride home; we had a good time. They came over yesterday afternoon, but I was sleeping. I do that at weird times now.

- Tuesday's birthday is this Tuesday. I bought her a nice study Bible.

- Peer review is the most retarded thing ever. Why would I want my peers reviewing any of my work? They're my peers! Most of them are a lot dumber than me, and the few that are at my level... are at MY level. I pay money for teacher's to review, not peers. Stupid, stupid, stupid....

- I slept for a long time last night. Felt good. I hope I'm not getting sick.

- Waiting for the net to get back up before I can post Episode 13. Sorry, I'm just really lazy.

1 comment:

David said...

I wish I had been there. . .sounds like a good time.

Stop being lazy and get ep. 13 up!!

I agree about peer review. . .you are smarter than all them.

oh, and that its dumb.

I slept 11 hours friday felt really good.