Thursday, April 19, 2007


- So we're apparently going to be having a meeting at work on Sunday. They will meet my demands or fall into the depths of the Failed Business ring of Hades. You know, the one where you can't access the system/program website because the only guy who knew the password quit, and prior to quitting he also deleted the computer's hard drive? Yeah, that one. If it goes really badly, someone might break off a key in the office door; you know, theoretically. I mean, it's probably been known to happen.

- My car died. And my dog died. And we all thought Penny died, but then she woke up, and then she wasn't Penny at all! Lost was humorous, but to be honest, they live on an island, and Jin is like "Camping? Swweeeeeeet!" They live in tents. Camping. That would be like if House was on a plane and happened to come upon a difficult-to-diagnose in mid-flight, and... yeah. I would think writers could have come up with a better excuse than "camping," but I'm not going to complain.

- Could The Flash outrun Superman? Now I'm curious. I know on the one "Lois and Clark" he (superman) vibrates so fast that he demoleculizes and passes through a force-field.

- I saw Man On Fire at work a week ago. With Denzel Washington and Dakota Fanning and Bruce Dickinson-, er, Christopher Walken. Yes, THE Christopher Walken. It's cool because he kills everybody. Washington, not Christopher Walken. Fanning doesn't kill anyone either, I don't think. But, like all Denzel Washington Movies, he *spoiler* dies at the end. Seriously, besides Much Ado About Nothing, does he ever live through anything? Now people are going to rattle off the submarine one, and the pelican one, and I'm pretty sure he lives in the one with Clive Owen and the diamonds, but he dies a lot for a main star, okay? Fallen (but really cool anyway), Training Day, Deja Vu (sort of), Malcolm X, Man on Fire, Glory. I've only seen three of those movies (and not even the whole thing of Glory), btw. And I'm guessing on the Malcolm X one. Hey, if they can kill off Professor, they can keep Malcolm alive.

- I just looked up a list of D.W. movies. He lives through a large majority. Who cares...

- I'm out of things to say. I need a car.

- Because I'm bored, some Colbert quotes.

On speculation that JK Rowling will kill off Harry Potter in the seventh book: "Wise move. He's a wizard; he should have been stoned a long time ago."

"We have barely recovered from the original Y2K. If you don't remember, seven years ago at the stroke of midnight, planes fell from the sky, the banking system collapsed and power grids caught fire from coast to coast. Or so I assume. I was locked in my underground shelter cleaning my zombie rifle."

"This teaches children a valuable lesson: Expect nothing and be happy you're not kidnapped."

"The NY Times wants you and your family dead."

"Equations are the devil's sentences!"

Colbert: [debating himself on torture] This is America. We don't torture. Respect for human life is what separates us from those we're fighting. If we stoop to their level, in a way, we've already lost.
Colbert: But if we don't stoop to their level, we might lose in a worse way... by actually losing.

1 comment:

Joe said...

your car died? that stinks, hope you get another one real fast and that its real fast. like a I can't spell all those European fast car names, but one of those, yea. law down the law in your meeting and don't back down. you da man Mike