Tuesday, June 26, 2007

pat robertson

- Awhile back I said I would talk about Mr. Robertson, so here it goes.

Robertson is perhaps the most vocal and famous person to ever blame a natural disaster on sin, other than the disciples and the tower of Siloam. Robertson has become synonymous with assigning sinful causes to catastrophes.

Now we have a problem, because he is judging where and what he is not authorized by God to judge, and he is doing in under the guise of conservative Christianity. He believes he is told things directly by God Himself, and he believes that every bad thing that happens to someplace is due to sin.

Perhaps it is, and perhaps it isn't. But the whole point of Luke 13 is that we are all guilty and worthy to be killed in a catastrophe; that the 18 men were NOT more guilty than anyone else. Robertson is a fearmonger, and he is using the Bible and the guise of Christianity to give himself credibility.

I'm convinced the man isn't saved. I honestly don't see how he can be. His words have just enough truth-sounding things that it fools people, but he's basically spouting lies and illogical connections between things that aren't connected, and he's doing it while claiming the Bible is his source. He is harming Christianity, and the cause of Christ.

Now I have to be careful, because a lot of the anti-Robertson feelings out there are due to his stalwart stances against things that the fundamental Christian movement has always been against. Truth will bring persecution. On the other hand, Robertson is, like so many other "famous" theologians, about fame itself. He is preaching out of contention, but what's worse is his misrepresentation of who God is while he's doing it. Pat Robertson was NOT given special messages from God explaining why Ariel Sharon had a stroke. Pat Robertson does NOT know why new Orleans was hit by Katrina, and neither do the rest of us for that matter.

Robertson practiced faith healing. He predicted a time for the second-coming. He took a chapter out of Luther's book and said Methodists and Presbyterians had the spirit of the anti-christ. He claims to direct storms with his prayers.

The point of all this is to convey my belief that Robertson does not know the true God, and maybe, just maybe true Christians should stop looking to this guy for guidance of any kind. Hopefully we don't. There's my rant on Mr. Gordon "Pat" Robertson. Discussion welcome.

- I finally put up some links. If anyone else wants me to link your blog, let me know.

Monday, June 25, 2007

pixie sticks

- cashews, and juice boxes.

- I don't like saying "nuff said." If it was really enough, then saying "nuff said" is superfluous. It's overkill. It also demeans from the economy of what you said (which you said for precise reason of being laconic). 'nuff said.

- Wait...

- Legerdemain means slight of hand or trickery.

- One of the managers at work was talking about how he bought cds and cologne because the person putting it on the market was attractive. See, I know there are people like that out there, but why would you admit to being "that guy?" I mean, why stand in the middle of McDonald's and tell your peers that you're so weak-willed that if a pretty girl asks you to buy something, you do it?

- Speaking of weak-willed, my brother - ....

- Yo-yo-yo-yo-yoda. Luke, stay away from the darker side and if you start to go astray let the force be your guide.

- So I found these hacker programs for the Icewind dale games. They aren't as challenging when you can give your guys 800 hit points.

- It's really hot here. Like if superman were flying around the house at super speed with his heat vision on full blast.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

- Ghost Rider

- .. hehe. That was one bad movie. I thought it might be alright when Cage was talking about his jelly beans and the chick asked the guy at the restaurant if he thought she was pretty and he said "meh." But that was it. The fight scenes were horrible. They weren't even fight scenes. And then Cage quoted The Grapes of Wrath at the end and ticked Mephisto off. Wow, was that a bad movie. I was really thinking it would be better than that. Maybe if he hadn't looked like Burton's version of Bane from Batman and been able to, you know, do karate. And actually use his chain as a whip. And the bad guys weren't complete wastes of time.

- I have to work from 11pm to 5am tonight. Eww.

- My brother drove to Wisconsin tonight to ask his girlfriend's parents if they could be a couple. But not hold hands. I told him not to do anything that would make them hate him. I think he listened.

- Is Lord of the Rings that big a deal? I thought it was, but Dave was like "she's seen Star Wars, so leave it alone." I mean, Lord of the Rings is better as a trilogy. It has better literary forms than Star Wars does. But Star Wars was our first love, so maybe he's right. Anyway, entertainment is just that, so in the long run, it's probably not important she know who Max Rebo or Celeborn are. Even though the woman I marry will.

- Road trip this Friday! Just me, Joe, Dave, Jenn and 56 liters of cola. And if anyone is smart, some cashews.

- I want to get the Baldur's Gate series. I played the Icewind Dale series, which is great, but there's no story and it's extremely linear. If something is going to be linear, it had better have a story. If there is no story, better make it like Elder's Scrolls.

- 11pm - 5am. Eww.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

things we hear

- I was listening to the radio on my way home from work tonight, and this guy was reporting on a study that found that kids who eat with their parents 5 nights a week are more than 50% more likely to abstain from alcohol and drugs than kids who eat with their parents 2 or fewer times. Then he said "so do something smart; eat dinner with your kids."

Maybe, just maybe the reason the kids are doing better isn't that they ingested food in the presence of their parents. Maybe (and this is a pretty small limb to go out on, I'm aware) they do better because the kinds of parents who make time to eat with their family 5 nights a week are also the kind of parents who have time for their kids for other things as well. Maybe these are the kind of parents who read to their children, and who spent time telling them not to do drugs and drink alcohol. So this guy goes on the news, and acts like dinner is the silver bullet.

Maybe I'm over-something about this, but are people really this dumb? Children who eat with their parents less than 2 times a week are 50% more likely to try alcohol and drugs. Well,yeah, what else are they going to do? Their parents don't have time for them, so why not find someone who does? The local dealer probably has plenty of time.

- Work is going well. I kind of enjoy this job. I really hated working at the fitness center, though, so anything would be a positive, I would imagine. I've been working at the grill, and I'm getting pretty fast and proficient. If they had olympics for people who were on the grill for only two days, I'm pretty sure I'd medal multiple times.

- Can't wait to go to the wedding and then have the fourth. Joe's going to be my wingman (or vice versa) at the wedding, so we'll pick up all the hot chicks.

- If O'Donnel replaces Bob Barker, mid-stream America had better march on Washington. And I don't even care about the show.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

work tomorrow

- my first real time behind the counter is tomorrow. I guess I'm gonig to get a bit of training and what not.

- Studio 60 is officially cancelled. Whitford came right out and said it's finished. I think three more episodes will air this summer, and that's it. It was no West Wing, but it's sad that Desperate Housewives and a hundred other reality/talent/game shows are still on. Our drama shows are crime and medicine (except for Heroes, thankfully). It's just sad.

Crime shows aren't about writing. They aren't. They're about mystery, and cliches. They're about the crime, and the sensationalsim of finding a new way to kill someone and a new way to cover it up. Sure, they might be entertaining, but I like characters. I like dialogue. I like smart banter, not David Caruso saying... anything.

They renewed Law and Order, apparently. I guess there is still someone left in New York that they haven't killed. I've never watched the show, but 17 seasons?

Speaking of long running, the Price is Right is needing a replacement for Barker. I saw Wayne Brady was suggested as a name. Honestly, I think a show that allows normal everyday people on television is a horrible thing. Why would I want to see some loser from Arizona win a dryer?

The only thing worse than having normal people on gameshows is having actors masquerading as normal people. Deal or No Deal should be burned to the ground, it's producers flogged, and Howie dropped into the Pacific with a life jacket and a pocket full of Mike & Ikes. And the banker? Well, Dante could think up something suitable, I'm sure.

So, what does that leave for the gameshows? Celebrities, of course. And I mean real ones, not "I was backup dancer in a Weird Al video" people. Like when Who wants to be a Millionare had David Duchovny and Jon Stewart on it. That was a good week. Or anytime Jeopardy gets Sean Connery- nevermind.

Speaking of Dante (sort of), it's weird that while violence will get you thrown into the 7th ring, fraud puts you into the 8th. Even more weird is how Pope Nicholas III is the the eighth circle. Dante was a complete freak but I have to love the way he throws the Pope into a deeper pit than Filippo Argenti (wikipedia gives a rather humorous position on why Dante found him there). Also, Muhammed is one section lower than Odysseus [both lower than Nicholas III, and both in the 8th ring (the rings have sections too)]. That's just awesome.

To sum up, bring back Firefly, Sports Night, Angel, and... I don't know, Dark Skies or Brisco or something.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

one week ago...

- ... was the last time blogged. Sorry about that for those who care.

- http://adteo.blogspot.com/2007/06/episode-12.html

I finally got my 12th installment done. I didn't read it over very carefully, so I'm sure there are mistakes. But there it is. Read it if you can. I appreciate feedback. This one was hard to write. I feel like I'm grasping for words, but luckily I had enough older material I hadn't used yet (that I liked) to supplement it.

- I'm wearing glasses now. I like how they look. And stuff isn't quite as blury anymore. He said I didn't really need them, and then only for reading and computer stuff, but I'm kind of getting used to them. We'll see how that ends up.

- I went in for orientation on Thursday. I have a feeling I'm going to think most of my co-workers are idiots. I hope I'm not a jerk in response. I'd rather be able to get along with them.

- I hope the Cavs beat the Spurs, but they won't.

- Sounds like the immigration bill might be dead. Good. I don't know what the Republicans are doing right now. I really don't.

- So I got Season 4 of the West Wing for my birthday. One of the better seasons. I think 2 and 4 are my favorite. Anyway, the scene where Toby and Will are reading each other's speech, and Toby tells Will to "Stop reading mine," is a great scene. I really want to be able to write, but I don't know enough, frankly. So I have to keep reading. I'm always trying to improve my vocabulary. It's hard to incorporate it into life though on a consistent basis. It's little easier when writing, but it still sinds a little forced. Anyway, that's my current hobby. Soporific, pusillanimous, and somnolence are my current three. Soporific is easy enough. So is pusillanimous. Somnolence might be tricky.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

my birthday

- I turned 21 today, and you know what that means - Road trip to Canada! To see the endangered lagomorphs and help the trees, of course. What were you thinking?

- I got a job at McDonalds today. That was a blessing from the Lord. So I'm feeling pretty happy right now.

- A friend mentioned buying me a castle with a moat for my birthday, but it didn't come through. It probably got held up in customs.

- The weather is finally turning cooler.

- So I really want this internship at the Alma Morning Sun paper. It wouldn't pay anything, but I have this idea that not getting paid to work somewhere you like for experience is noble. Or honorable. Something. The editor lady still hasn't called me back though, so I'm losing hope. Still, I'm going to stay upbeat, because good things are coming my way. I think.

- 21. I feel like I'm falling behind. I need to get a career going pretty soon.

- Btw, my brother? Totally twitter-pated. And the fact that I just referenced a horrible Disney movie doesn't even bother me.

- I'm going to go do somethin else now.