Friday, January 04, 2008


- So this is the new year.... It's really not that bad.

- I threw my shoulder out somehow about a month ago; now it hurts, right at the joint. And it's moving into my elbow.

- I feel like I'm really busy all the time.

- My brother came home and is leaving tomorrow. He's taking Jen with him. =(

- So Huckabee won Iowa. Heheh. And so did Obama. See, here's what I think about Obama. I hope he wins the Democratic nomination. But I have this feeling that AARP isn't going to be able to convince its members to vote for a african-american so easily. Old people have the weirdest and most racist ideas, sometimes. The older people get, the less likely they are to vote for a non-white. It's bred into them. Now, some of them, the less senile, won't care, but many of them see a black person and will see someone whom should follow, not lead. It's not good or right, and hopefully I'm wrong about the number of older folks that are like that. Not that I want Obama to be our president; I'm just against racism. Way to take a stand, amirite?

- I had a very nice Christmas. I have the greatest parents in the world. I wish I said it more often.

- I also fell on a mopped floor at work and realy bruised up my shin and knee. It hurts when touched. So stop poking it.

- I guess one of my cousins was harboring a fugitive from the police. That', eh?

- I'll try to get back into the habit of blogging. My writing is rusty.