Saturday, October 17, 2009

alternate endings

- I hate the concept of alternate endings. When I see a movie, I want to be able to talk about it with other people, operating under the same set of circumstances. What's up with all these alternate endings? Either the people die, or they live. Make up your minds, collective directors.

- Gerard Butler is making a lot of movies. It's like when Jude Law was making all those movies, only Gerard Butler is cool.

- Btw, if he's a boy, we're probably going to name him Malachi Davis, and if she's a girl, Grace Anne.

- I've been watching Star Trek: The Next Generation late at night. They really aren't that bad, considering the setting. Patrick Stewart is awesome. What I'm trying to say is, definitely Picard.

- Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm-mm-mmmmm!

- I was thinking of buying a ChiaObama for the Middle, but I think some people would find it disrespectful to the President (even though it's obviously meant as an honor, if you watch the commercials). It doesn't even look like him. It looks more like Michael Irvin. Or the psychologist from MASH. Yeah. It should have been named ChiaSidney.

- Go Vikings! And Lions! And, for this week only, Falcons!