A couple things have happened since last time i blogged. So without further ado...
- I'm engaged! Yay!
- The court advisor is recommending Tuesday receive full custody of Mercedez. I am so excited about this. There are a lot of details that you don't need to know, but this was a huge answer to prayer (even though it was expected).
- The Vikings scored 41 points. And lost. To the Bears.
- Tues and I have been watching West Wing together. I think it's her new favorite show. And with good reason.
- Pete and Sarah and the kids were in church this morning. That was a neat surprise.
- So... McCain is probably going to lose. I'm disapoointed because I really, REALLY don't like the fact that this will galvanize the media into believing they get to pick the president (which I guess they do, if Obama wins). I hate the media. They're like the reporter on Die Hard, but we can't taser them in airplane bathroom.
- The original Max Payne wasn't about the apocalypse, right? Cause the Mark Wahlberg flick is throwing me. And why him? Couldn't they have found someone who looks less like they should be playing the overly-sweet boyfriend that is gonna get dumped for the girl's true-love in a remake of a romantic comedy and more like a street-hardened cop?
- I stopped at wal-mart, bought a few packs of Shards of Alara. Since it's Wal-Mart, the packs come thrice-layered. First the cardboard, then the plastic, then the actual card package. This is to prevent the psychics whose mental power is thwarted by an overabundance of material. Just think, if people knew which packs had the mythic rares... that's right, CHAOS!!! Elspeth might only be $28.00, instead of the - wait for it - $45.00+ she is going for right now. And then where would we be, right? Thank goodness for triple-packaging.
Anyway, I bought a couple packs, and pulled a Sarkhan Vol. I was so psyched. I made a sweet Red/Black/Green Deck I named *Planeswalker Delight* (Vol, Vess, and Nalaar). The stars (*) indicate awesomeness. Triple thick, like Neopolitan Ice Cream and Wal-Mart CCG Packages.
- Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama. But that's okay, 'cause this election is not about race. Powell has just always been in the Most-Liberal-Senator-For-President Camp. What, you didn't know?
- I bought a RPG PC game called Divine Divinity for $2.00 at target. You'd have to expect some pretty bad sludge with a name and price like that, but it's like a more in-depth Diablo. I was pleasantly surprised. On the other hand, Disciples II was like a poor man's Lords of Magic, which was already a poor man's game. So we're talking a third-world poor man's game. But with good graphics.
- I haven't watched the cartoon Star Wars movie, or the subsequent cartoons. BUT, I did get a Boba Fett bobble-head from McDonald's, so I'm thinking my fanship is still intact.