Friday, August 14, 2009


- Work is work is work.

- Newt Gingrich is working with Al Sharpton to save our schools. Wasn't this the plot for Tango and Cash 2?

- Psych is on tonight. Which means I can watch it tomorrow on Hulu. Yay!! I was pretty excited with last week's episode. I'm worried every year that the show is going to suddenly fall apart, but last week was really good.

- Michael Vick signed with the Eagles. I don't like Vick. It has nothing to do with tha dog thing, which, of course, is quite bad, but his most famous highlight of running 60+ yards through 14 defenders happens to be against my team... the Vikings.
I don't like him for that reason. Also, The Michael Vick experience is a dumb commercial. Honestly, though, he's probably about two years from becoming a rapper. Maybe he can join Joaquin's band - "<(Mediocrity)."

- What's with Eric Bana? He's everywhere. Remember how in the Hulk, he kept getting bigger? No? Neither does anyone else, honestly. I mean, who would remember that movie.. most people have banished it to the deepest chambers of their mind along with Ghostrider and Jackie Chan movies. But go with the idea. Anyway, he's like a real-life Hulk now, growing everywhere, overtaking the world!!!! My wife says he's not a very good actor. I only remember him in Troy, in which everyone except Sean Bean acted badly.

1 comment:

Varda said...

Tango and Cash was just on. . . I was watching it last night. lol

Psych was good. :)

I don't really like Eric Bana either. I don't really know why though. . .