Sunday, November 08, 2009


- Taylor Swift is not attractive, in the least. She looks like a china doll, a rather creepy china doll.

- I am a self-declared Brett Favre apologist. I read articles on ESPN about Favre. I care about him beating the Packers, and embarassing Ted Thompson. I will argue he is one of the best quarterbacks playing the game, edging Brady and Rothelisberger.

There is a lot being written about him "Betryaing" the Packers by putting on a Viking's uniform. Honestly, though, the Viking's fanbase has got to be just as guilty of being tunrcoats. We hated this guy! Whenever Favre's name came up, I'd reference his all-time lead in interceptions. I just think the whole thing is enormously entertaining.

- The new Robert Jordan book is out! I've got about an hour of reviewing ahead of me tonight.

- So... my writing has been really, really poor lately. I did some decent stuff Friday, which is the first in a long while. Everything else is either deleted or crossed out. I have an entire notebook (it feels like) of crossed out pages. It's really rough on my sleep.

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